Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Welcome to New Owners

This is just the right point of the year to welcome new Owners into the Coral Beach Hotel community - we hope that they will all enjoy the time they spend here, on the most beautiful beach in the world:

Abate & Marsala in 3326
Don Best and Pat Kachur in 2315
Francesco & Rosemary Bruno in 3211
D. Ceci in 2507
Orazio & Eugenia DeCiantis in 2518
Christopher & Ann Diebold in 2111
Karen & Dominic Faro in 2115
Rita Landy in 2308
Yvonne Malbasha in 2215
Michael Montgomery in 2603
Richard & Yolanda Morandini in 2501
Dennis & Sandra Neilson in 2512
Jean Marie Paquet in 2406
Stephen & Nicolle Pierre in 1602
Bruno Rufa & Sandra Georgiou in 2411
Bruno Rufa & Sandra Georgiou in 3311
David & Nancy Salvisburgh in 2305
Pierre Valour in 3204
Michael & Victoria Waltz in 1401

As far as I know, these are the new Owners this year. If I have made errors or omissions please let me know and I will rectify.


Unknown said...

Pat, I dont think the sale to Rita Landy went through.

We just returned home to DC after a warm, sunny, wonderful week at Coral Beach. We are sorry the weather turned on you. It was great to see so many old friends, and as usual, to make new ones. It was especially great to see that Jerry and Vivian made it.

I was also encouraged by the owner's forum last week. Yes, some heads got hot and I still don't understand some of the goings-on, I think Bruno truly heard that the sense of the many owners in the room (from his supporters and detractors both) is to settle with Charmaine and to get the pool bar reopened. I think he is already taking steps in that direction, which were out of the question a year ago.

I am looking forward to seeing lots of you again at the end of the month!


Anonymous said...

Are you serious? Were we in the same meeting?

Anonymous said...

How nice that we have the pleasure of having new neighbors, including Bruno and Sandra in 3 (+?) apartments.

Anonymous said...

Reference Bruno's softening position on the pool bar situation.

Bobo forgive me but I think you're making a boo-boo.
Do not believe for a moment what he says.
His only motivation is to (get votes) stay in power and to finish picking our bones clean.

Bruno, his morals & values are skewed for his own personal enrichment ... period.
Ponder the fact that Bruno is by his own admission, a businiess partner of Mr. Donato, our largest shareholder.
Mr. Donato has a known longstanding interest in CB.
You may have heard wispers of a fourth building, relocating the pool etc.
Think timeshare, think what you want but THINK.

Bobo, I would encourage you to speak with friends and opponents of the present BOD to help get a clearer picture.

pat lihou said...

Hey people, Bobo heard what he heard and I heard Pool Bar questioning from all sides too - and it's good to get points of view openly put AND owned. I've published these comments but I would really welcome others that add something to the discourse!

Anonymous said...

I propose a guessing game among owners. Let's place bets (no money) on how many of the new owners are from Toronto, Canada?

Anonymous said...

Welcome new owners. Thank you Pat for introducing us to our new neighbors. We look forward to meeting them.

How interesting that Mr. Salvisburgh just bought one month ago and was invited to join our board...

Unknown said...

It was great seeing everyone over the Christmas break. Mark and I can't wait to return in 3 weeks.

I was at most of the owner's forum with Bobo and while a bit more skeptical about the "goings on" at Coral Beach, I am hopeful that his take on resolving the pool bar situation is on target and we will all be enjoying each other's company there in 2008. The first round's on me!!

I was also excited to hear Bruno clarify (and Bobo heard the same thing I did), the policy regarding use of the units to friends and family. The policy, as Bruno explained, was techically designed to capture fees on rental income only. We, along with many other friends at CBH only allow friends, family and charities (to whom it is given for auction) to use our condo at NO charge. It is wonderful to know that from now on we (and all others in the same situation) will be reminding the front desk AT BRUNO'S INSTRUCTION to waive rental fee as we wouldn't dream of charging family and close friends for the opportunity to enjoy our paradise with all of you. So don't forget to note on your "request for usage" form that Bruno has authorized that no fee should be charged on non-rentals.

I do have 2 comments/questions for anyone else attending the meeting. I find it hard to believe that only $2000 in legal fees have been paid to the CBH attorney thus far to settle the matter. If so, her hourly rate must be mimimum wage! As a lowly paralegal, enslaved by Bobo, my rate is $125 an hour and I never step foot in court!

I am also curious to know if the legal opinions Bruno says he received from legal counsel were ever shared with those seeking these answers? I found Bruno's response to the request for this information (as well as the name of the engineering firm used on the roofing project) to be extremely puzzeling if not disturbing, unprofessional and quite frankly childish.

It is quite unnerving to see the supposed "leader" of the CBH community losing his cool so easily. I have sat on Boards in the past. I know it's a thankless job. Nevertheless, I have never witnessed any of my colleagues act in such an unprofessional manner, especially to the constituancy that elected them. I pray that, as our represenative, Bruno displays a tad more restraint and diplomacy with the Bahamiam community and authorities. After all most of us are guests in their country.

Perhaps one of his Board colleagues could remind Bruno that the defnesiveness he displayed in the meeting naturally breeds suspicion and benefits no one.

Happy New Year to all. Loriann (aka "Kitty Cat")

Anonymous said...

Bobo, I apologize for my poor attempt at humor at your nicknames expense.

Please understand that my confidence in Bruno & Phil has reached its nadir (lowest point).

I am 100% sure that their eyes are brown.

Anonymous said...

I am mystified that there has been no comment on Bruno's deportation article in the Freeport News.

Assistant Director Rolle states there was no deportation, just an "assisted departure".

Unbelievable ... guess every "assisted departure" requires a free nights lodgeing and hand cuffs in GBI.

Someone pinch me, I'm must be dreaming or its the mushrooms.

Anonymous said...

I just read what Loriann wrote about the waiver of rental fees for friends and family. I am surprised and delighted by this news as I was told in no uncertain terms that everyone was going to be charged the $25 fee, even for friends and family. I do not rent but have offered my place to my sister in the past. I am glad to learn that I don't have to charge her.

Beth Stengel

Anonymous said...

Any Owner wishing to post a comment to may do so through the Forum. If you have DOCUMENTS/FACTS you wish to add to an archive please submit in pdf format; either through the FORUM or through the webmaster for this Blog. I will work out this glitch. Any documents are gladly received. Excerts of documents may not be posted. Documents pretaining to matters in litigation may not be posted.

Anonymous said...

This is to take exception to the comment made about our new neighbour and volunteer, Mr. Dave Salvisburg. First it is neither surprising nor unusual for a new owner to be enthusiastic and want to contribute. If my memory is correct Nancy and Dave bought almost a year ago at the auction. As to quick timing, I myself was involved on the SD Committee when I owned less than a month. I was a elected director in 7 months, officer immediately (some would argue that wasn't a good thing :))
That Mr. Salvisburg would be taken in by Mr. Rufa is not surprising as most of his current critics were too. I for one promoted Bruno for President in the winter of 2004 / 2005. Yes, I too make mistakes.
Let's not be too harsh with Dave. Please give him a chance to assess one of the best spinmasters I have ever seen.
Nancy and Dave, I think, are bright. If they question they will begin to see the flaws.
Dave, I wish you luck and thank you for volunteering and I hope you will give credence to my thoughts.

Ted Mulvihill

Anonymous said...

So what if there are new owners from Toronto, Canada? Are you going to bunch us all together because we are from the same (huge) city?

pat lihou said...

Hi Loriann, Just a reminder that when Geoff and I went to see T. Dennison she charged Coral Beach Hotel $300 for just under the hour (which we have paid of course). So far the Board has not instructed the Front Desk to have a hard copy available for Owners to see the opinions requested and we have not received anything directly from her Offices and have been told never to contact her again.

Anonymous said...

Ms. T, Dennison esq. the documented declared attorney for the Owners of Coral Beach ... but NEVER contact her/office again.

What the !!!! is going on.

George Trawinski

Anonymous said...

Please accept my apologies for my comment about Toronto. I did not mean to cast aspersions on everyone. Toronto is a beautiful city with wonderful restaurants, theater and good citizens. My comment was directed to those people Bruno and others have lined up to buy hotel studios and Mario's apartments. Their purpose is to bring people in to Coral Beach who are friendly to their side and, by voting their UE's, will give the Board all the power they need to accomplish their master plan for Coral Beach.

Anonymous said...

George T:
In honor of Lewis Carroll:
"The world [Coral Beach], my dear,is getting curiouser and curiouser".

Anonymous said...

Hi Bo Bo - Just a note to add about the 25% rule. We had to pay $30 for allowing our friend to use our place for free. - oh! I was wondering now that we have all paid the $100 parking fee for the year - will the accounts be on the plus side again? also does Mr Donato Pay 25% for the rents he collects for the rentals he has in his 30 units? Does he pay for the parking places that the annual renters use?